Catholic robot
Gabriele Trovato 
Lab head
Kristina Eiviler
JSPS Post-doctoral researcher
Gawande Manishk
Bachelor student IGP
Phoomwish Promthong
Bachelor student IGP
Hung Pham
Bachelor student IGP
Franco Pariasca Trevejo
Programmer/AI developer Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Coaching device
DarumaTO-4W-MI 「WABO」
Social robot
Blandine Laurence Jeanne Michel
Sandwich Program student France
Yoann Hoarau
Sandwich Program student France |
Plant companion
Humanoid robot Kawada Robotics
Humanoid robot Kawada Robotics
Arda Yilmabasar
Lab rotation student IGP
Catholic robot City of Science and Industry Paris, France
Rafael Leon
Research student Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Yegang Du 
Assistant Professor Tohoku University
Ujwal Kumar 
AI Research Intern Entrepreneur JETRO Mister Shibaura IGP
Salvatore Anzalone
Director of Lutin Userlab City of Science and Industry, Paris, France
Mehriell Ang
Exchange student The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
CelesTE R3
Coaching device Siegen University, Germany INCRA, Ancona, Italy APHP, Paris, France
DarumaTO-4W 「WABO」
Coaching device Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Zed Shields
Designer Freelance
Ryohei Shinkuma 
Sensing consultant Shinkuma Lab - SIT
Mehrbod Manavi
Electronics consultant Siegen University, Germany
Catholic robot Copernicus Science Centre Warsaw, Poland
Vu Hoai Lam
Exchange student Ha Noi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Tong Van Sinh
Exchange student Ha Noi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Antonio Battaglia
Research student Università degli Studi di Messina
Kam Long Wu
Sandwich Program student Brazil
Rodrigo Lopez Condori
Programmer Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Masao Katagiri
Programmer Bank of America
Social robot
Rath Sophoanthiraek
Lab rotation student IGP
Madhav Biyani
Lab rotation student IGP
Miguel Galang
Lab rotation student IGP
Jiaqi Ding
Bachelor student IGP